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Glocalization of McDonald’s – Angel or Devil?

29 May
McDonald’s continues to dominate.

From the Devad Vice Blog, McDonald’s Corporation scored a very high revenue for the first quater of 2012, and the company continues to operate at a higher earnings level than all other fast food restaurant chain in the world.
Mcdonald’s is the expert of localization, as long as glocalization. It can creat a regional menu for their international markets. It’s menu is very regional, you can find Kiwi burger in New Zealand, or you can grab a Chicken Maharaja-Macs from a McDonald in India.  The strategy of Mcdonald is to customise the menu and make it fits to every individual market, but in the mean time, the brand promise will be kept.
Someone argue that the glocalization of Mcdonald is a devil, it will slowly engulfing the local food diversity, that may lead to a invdation of American fast food culture. According to the Mcdonalds official website, there are more than 33,000 restaurants serving nearly 68 million people in more than 119 countries every day. This huge empire has penetrated the world, no matter where are you, you can alwasy find a Mcdonald in your city. The American fast food is getting more popular with the localized menu. People are worrying about the penetration of the American fast food will make the local food industry suffer, and the diversity of the local food will inevitable decrease.
Actually, glocalization will not decrease the diversity of the food culture of a place. Having a localized menu can actually creat a “mix-and-match” event. Adding the local food to the menu can help the people try their traditional food in a new way, they can have something that are very familiar but with American style. Glocalization can retain the local food culture, and make the menu more creative and diverse. 