Glocalization, a new concept

8 May

What does exactly mean Glocalization (Glocalisation) ?

Let’s see the different definition that we found on the Internet:

According to Wikipedia, Glocalisation is a portmanteau word of globalization and localization. By definition, the term “glocal” refers to the individual, group, division, unit, organization, and community which is willing and able to “think globally and act locally”.

If we look another definition found on Google Blog by typing “Glocalization definition”, we found out that Glocalization is the process of changing products or services that are sold all over the world to suit people in differentlocal markets.

Glocalization serves as a means of combining the idea of globalization with that of local considerations. Thus, initially developing an understanding of globalization offers a great deal of assistance in beginning to understand the function and meaning of glocalization. As explained by Philip Hong and In Han Song, globalization corresponds to the integration of local markets into world capitalism. Manifested by global changes in structures of the economy, globalization entails a restructuring of the world economy and a spatial reorganization of production and consumption processes across political states. Once an understanding of globalization has been established, it becomes possible to advance to a fuller understanding of glocalization.

Finally, in line with the economic roots of globalization to which the process is closely related, glocalization is an important expression used within the business world. Proceeding from its Japanese roots, the concept is now also a popular approach for Western businesses today.

This was a theoritical approach,  let’s see now concret examples of this new phenomenon …

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